B5 - Personalised therapy: The promise of 3D-printing

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Clement M. Haeck (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom) and Davide Brambilla (University of Montreal, Canada)


3D printing is regarded as a disruptive technology that could revolutionize the way drug are formulations are made including on‐demand production, flexibility in terms of drug dosages and release, and complexity in terms of object geometry. Those factors could provide a crucial impact toward personalized pharmaceutics: the tailoring of the drug combinations and concentrations to individual requirements and the shape of any devices to specifically match a patient anatomy. These novel approaches will have a dramatic impact on pharmaceutical industry, providing it with an unprecedented degree of personalization. In this session, leaders from different areas will present and critically discuss the state of the art of the field, and provide an opinion on the actual potentials of these technologies and the major remaining challenges. The session will end with a panel discussion.


Overview of 3D printing technologies in pharmaceutical sciences
Alvaro Goyanes (University College London, School of Pharmacy, UK)

3D printing in oral dosage
Julian Quodbach (Düsseldorf University, Germany)

3D printing for non-oral dosages formulations and implants
Aliasger K Salem (Iowa University, USA)

3D printing in pharmaceutical sciences, intellectual property aspects
Catherine Jewell and James A Stones (Beck Greener LLP, UK)

Learning Objectives

At the end of the session, participants should be able to:

  1. Describe the 3D printing technologies currently investigated in the pharmaceutical field.
  2. Compare 3D printing technologies with standard manufacturing strategies in terms of potentials and limitations.
  3. Detect and evaluate the main challenges toward the actual translation of 3D technologies in the pharmaceutical field.
  4. Describe the perspectives of the industry, regulators and health care providers.